400 Gbps Technologies Expected to Fuel Service Provider Router Market Growth
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – February 9, 2022 – According to a recently published report by Dell’Oro Group, the trusted source for market information about the telecommunications, networks, and data center IT industries, the worldwide Service Provider Router and Switch market is projected to generate $76 billion in cumulative revenue over the next five years. The adoption of new 400 Gbps routing technologies is expected to contribute significantly to the overall market growth.
“The deployments of 400 Gbps routers started last year, but that was just the start of a longer-term upgrade cycle that accelerates in 2022,” said Shin Umeda, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “400 Gbps capable routers are addressing a wider range of applications, and the economic improvements offer a compelling investment storyline,” added Umeda.
Additional highlights from the Service Provider Router and Switch Five Year Forecast Report:
- Routers deployed in 5G mobile infrastructures are projected to drive consistent market growth over the next five years.
- Disaggregated routers are expected to take a larger share of the overall market, but the nascent technologies face an increasingly competitive landscape from incumbent vendors.
- An increasing share of the SP Router and Switch market will go to cloud service providers over the next five years as they upgrade to 400 Gbps technologies and expand network footprints
About the Report
The Dell’Oro Group Service Provider Router & Switch Five Year Forecast Report offers complete, in-depth coverage of the Service Provider Router and Switch market for future current and historical periods. The report includes qualitative analysis and detailed statistics for manufacture revenue by regions, customer types, and use cases, average selling prices, and unit and port shipments. To purchase this report, please contact us by email at dgsales@delloro.com.
About Dell’Oro Group
Dell’Oro Group is a market research firm that specializes in strategic competitive analysis in the telecommunications, networks, and data center IT markets. Our firm provides in-depth quantitative data and qualitative analysis to facilitate critical, fact-based business decisions. For more information, contact Dell’Oro Group at +1.650.622.9400 or visit www.delloro.com
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