SD-WAN Market Expected to Increase 168 Percent by 2024, According to Dell’Oro Group


“SD-WAN offers a compelling reason for businesses to upgrade their WAN infrastructures, which is something we haven’t seen in many years,” said Shin Umeda, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “There is no doubt that COVID-19 has created a major bump in the road, but the fundamental drivers for SD-WAN adoption have not changed, and may even be enhanced if work from home solutions can be incorporated,” added Umeda.

Data Center Switch Revenue Plunged in the First Quarter of the Year, According to Dell’Oro Group


the worldwide Data Center Switch market recorded its first decline in nine years, dropping 9 percent  year-over-year in the first quarter. 1Q 2020 revenue level was  also the lowest in three years. The softness was broad-based across all major branded vendors, except Juniper Networks and white box vendors. Revenue from white box vendors was propelled mainly by strong demand from Google and Amazon.

SD-WAN Market Decelerated in the First Quarter of 2020, According to Dell’Oro Group


Demand for SD-WAN held up well in the first quarter, but supply chain disruptions induced by the COVID-19 pandemic caused a sharper deceleration in vendor revenue growth,” said Shin Umeda, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “We still expect the SD-WAN market to grow by double-digits this year, but with so much macroeconomic uncertainty, strong performance won’t be a shoo-in for all vendors,” added Umeda.

1Q 2020 Wireless LAN Market Softens, Cloud-Managed Sales Surge, According to Dell’Oro Group


“As the pandemic spread through Asia, Europe, then North and South America, enterprises turned to cloud-managed capable network equipment to get thousands, or tens of thousands of remote workers connected to the network. The amount of interest in being able to perform deployment and management tasks remotely shot up,” said Tam Dell’Oro, Founder, CEO, and Wireless LAN Analyst at Dell’Oro Group.

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