Open RAN on Track Comprise 15 Percent of RAN by 2026, According to Dell’Oro Group


“The Open RAN movement has come a long way in just a few years, surprising both proponents and skeptics,” said Stefan Pongratz, Vice President and analyst with the Dell’Oro Group. “While challenging comparisons will weigh a bit on the market over the short-term, it is unlikely that these divergences between the greenfields and the brownfields will leave lasting imprints on the long-term prospects,” continued Pongratz.

Optical Transport Equipment Market to reach $18 Billion by 2026, According to Dell’Oro Group


“I am excited to see how the Optical Transport market unfolds in the next few years,” said Jimmy Yu, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “We are predicting that demand will continue to increase for the next five years, and that the market will reach $18 billion by 2026. Drivers of our growth prediction include the growing global economy, government initiatives to fund the reach of broadband to rural areas, and overall network upgrades to align with customer demand for more bandwidth. There will, however, be some bumps in the road.”

Slow Uptake for 5G Standalone Drags on Mobile Core Network Growth, According to Dell’Oro Group


“The cumulative revenue forecast for the period 2022 to 2026 is over $50 billion. The overall revenues and the CAGR have been dampened by the muted uptake in 5G SA networks,” according to Dave Bolan, Research Director at Dell’Oro Group. “5G SA network deployments have not matched the hype, with only 19 networks launched to date,” Bolan continued.

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