Total SASE Market to Nearly Triple by 2026, According to Dell’Oro Group


We see SASE continuing to thrive independent of the ongoing macro-economic uncertainty as enterprises strategically invest for the new age of distributed applications and hybrid work that need a different approach to connectivity and security,” said Mauricio Sanchez, Research Director, Network Security, and SASE & SD-WAN at Dell’Oro Group.

Broadband Spending Boom Will Push Market to $23.4 B in 2026, According to Dell’Oro Group


“We’ve made significant upward revisions to our long-term broadband and home networking forecast, said Jeff Heynen, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “Fiber infrastructure buildouts are resulting in more new subscribers and more CPE with advanced Wi-Fi technologies as service providers look to differentiate their services in increasingly crowded markets

Open RAN and vRAN Forecast Revised Upward, According to Dell’Oro Group


“The Open RAN movement continues to trend in the right direction,” said Stefan Pongratz, Vice President and Analyst at the Dell’Oro Group. “At the same time, we have three separate Open RAN waves right now and they are not all moving at the same pace – greenfields and early brownfield adopters are deploying Open RAN aggressively

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