China Outstrips Rest of World for Mobile Core Networks Growth in 2Q 2022, According to Dell’Oro Group


The pace of 5G MCN investments in the rest of the world pales by comparison to China. China has led the way since 2020 and does not look like it is ready to slow down,” stated Dave Bolan, Research Director at Dell’Oro Group. “In 2Q 2022, a new 5G Standalone (5G SA) Mobile Network Operator (MNO), China Broadnet, launched its 5G SA network, the fourth MNO to do so in China…

RAN Disappoints in 2Q 2022, According to Dell’Oro Group


“The shift in the pendulum is not a surprise, but admittedly it has swung a bit faster toward the negative than initially expected”, said Stefan Pongratz, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “Slower momentum is not a sign that the 5G deployment phase is over. The message we have communicated for some time now, namely that the 5G cycle will be longer than previous technology cycles, still holds. At the same time, market conditions in the quarter were impacted by APAC excluding China, Russia, and foreign exchange,” continued Pongratz.

400 Gbps to Drive SP Router Growth, Enabling Telco and Cloud Expansion, According to Dell’Oro Group


“The July 2022 forecast remains in line with the January 2022 forecast, despite both emerging economic uncertainty and persistent market challenges,” said Ivaylo Peev, Senior Analyst at Dell’Oro Group. “Emerging economic uncertainty, racing inflation, China’s zero-COVID-19 policy, and the war in Ukraine are depressing markets in 2022, putting pressure on vendors and customers alike …

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