Improving Component Supply Drives Optical Transport Market Growth in 1Q 2023, According to Dell’Oro Group


“For a second consecutive quarter, the Optical Transport equipment market growth exceeded our expectation. Equipment manufacturers are benefiting from the record level of backlog built-up over the past two years due to a lack of component supply. As these shortages moderate and lead times shrink, vendors are in a position to deliver long-awaited DWDM systems to their customers…” said Jimmy Yu, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “

Open RAN and vRAN Growth Slowed in 1Q 2023, According to Dell’Oro Group


“Since both Open RAN and vRAN are still driven by a few large service providers, the slower growth in the first quarter was for the most part in line with expectations, reflecting more so the state of the 5G rollouts with some of the advanced operators than a shift in the overall Open RAN/vRAN market sentiment,” said Stefan Pongratz, Vice President with the Dell’Oro Group.

RAN Still Slow but Stronger Than Expected in 1Q 2023, According to Dell’Oro Group


“Despite lackluster topline growth, the quarter was actually very interesting both from a regional and supplier perspective,” said Stefan Pongratz, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “Not surprisingly, growth is now transitioning away from the advanced markets towards the slower-to-adopt 5G markets. Learn more

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