Events and Webinars Aligned with Our Market Research

Dell’Oro group hosts or co-host a number of webinars related to the topics we cover in our market research reports. We also attend industry events throughout the year. Please see our upcoming events below.


CSI Awards 2024

Celebrating excellence and achievement in the broadcast, video, OTT, and IoT sectors – organized by CSI Magazine (Cable and Satellite International Magazine). Jeff Heynen, VP of Broadband Access & Home Networking research will be part of the judge panel.


TEF 2024: Ethernet in the Age of AI

Join TEF 2024 in Santa Clara for dynamic discussions on Ethernet innovations driving AI applications. VP analyst Sameh Boujelbene will present insights on AI Network trends and their impact on the Ethernet…

The Impact of AI Workloads on Modern Data Center Networks

In a webinar, Sameh Boujelbene and Aniket Khosla, data center networking experts, discuss the surge in high-speed Ethernet adoption, its impact on AI workloads, and infrastructure readiness.

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RCR Wireless: Open RAN Forum 2023

Register for the On-Demand Pass: If you missed today’s Open RAN Forum, register now to access the on-demand content. Catch our VP Analyst Stefan Pongratz’s exclusive presentation, where he examines the current global deployments compared to projected forecasts for Open RAN

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DCD Connect: The path to reliable, emission free backup

Register and watch this on-demand webinar for the panel discussion: The path to reliable, emission-free backup hosted by DCD Connect at the Back-up and Generation event. Lucas Beran, Research Director for Data Center Physical Infrastructure market research, joined the industry experts to discuss alternatives like battery storage systems to…

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Fierce Optical Summit 2023

Register and watch this on-demand webinar for the Optical Summit 2023 hosted by Fierce Telecom. Jimmy Yu, Vice President for Optical Transport market research, presented the keynote at the event and talked about Optical Transport network market forecast

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Bridging the Security Gap for Regional Broadband

Unlock the future of regional broadband! Join our exclusive webinar, “Bridging the Security Gap for Regional Broadband,” featuring industry experts Jeff Heynen from Dell’Oro Group and Terry Young from A10 Networks, Inc. Learn about broadband availability and network transformation for regional ISPs.

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Go Beyond The Data

From custom reports, webinars to white papers to consulting, Dell’Oro Group provides the data, insights, and platforms to help you achieve your business and strategic goals.

Hundreds of companies around the world have relied on Dell’Oro Group’s decades of experience in providing accurate and timely market data and forecasts. Now, you can take those insights and strengthen your messaging and product positioning by leveraging Dell’Oro Group’s world-class team of analysts and global customer reach.

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