Open RAN might not be ready for America’s big 5G push


“Open RAN is clearly gaining momentum with some RAN segments but the technology is also not ready for prime time with all RAN technologies,” wrote Stefan Pongratz, an analyst at Dell’Oro Group, in response to questions from Light Reading.

SASE market set to explode, says leading analyst


“SASE holds great appeal because it unifies and simplifies networking and security across a wide variety of network use cases, ranging from larger headquarter and branch networks down to individual users,” Mauricio Sanchez, Research Director commented. “Over the next five years, we expect the initial thrust for SASE to come from small to medium enterprises, for whom unification and simplification rank high, but also expect larger enterprises to begin pivoting.”

AI’s Potential Held Back by Hardware Bottlenecks, Dell’Oro Says


The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) accelerators in data centers could be stymied if existing hardware bottlenecks aren’t addressed, warned Dell’Oro analyst Baron Fung, in a blog post this week. “AI is driving the need for specialized solutions at the chip and system level in the form of accelerated compute servers optimized for training and inference workloads at the data center and at the edge,” he wrote.

Open RAN and the Everest of inflated expectations


Analysts and consultants, unlike politicians, are rarely made to rue their public utterances. Twenty years ago, firms still in business today built elaborate forecasting models to show how 3G would double consumer spending on mobile services. None was grilled before an audience when those predictions turned out to be wildly optimistic.