Wi-Fi 7 APs Surge to 11 Percent of Shipments in 4Q 2024, According to Dell’Oro Group
|Signs of Life as 2H24 Spending on Broadband Equipment Increases 6 Percent from 1H24, According to Dell’Oro Group
|Record-Breaking Ethernet Data Center Switch Sales Fueled by Robust AI Buildouts and a Recovery in Traditional Front-End Networks, According to Dell’Oro Group
|RAN Down $9 Billion, According to Dell’Oro Group
|Emerging Markets Drive Microwave Transmission Revenue Up 7 Percent in 4Q 2024, According to Dell’Oro Group
|“Emerging markets are important for the microwave transmission industry. It is often these parts of the world where laying fiber is not always the first choice, rather it is the second to wireless technologies such as point-to-point microwave,” stated Jimmy Yu, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group.